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Abdominal Scar Tissue Release Massage

Scar Tissue Breakdown – a Client’s Journey


John Appleton – Takapuna 2022

I discovered BodyZone Massage when I was looking for a way to break down scar tissue which unbeknown to me had been causing me significant health problems for many years.

I had gone through two abdominal surgeries, the first in 1976 (a laparotomy) and the second in 2019 (lumabar disc replacement surgery in Germany).

Over many years I had experienced painful abdominal discomfort which I had believed was mainly associated with Reflux, and Peptic/duodenal Ulcer disease. I had a number of gastroscopies over the years and I was never able to determine the cause of the problem. Colonoscopies were also clear and thus the source of the pain and discomfort remained a mystery.

In June this year I was experiencing a significant level of pain in my abdominal cavity and it became very concerning because there was little I could do to relieve the pain and I would sit in a Laziboy chair at night. Lying flat in bed seemed to make the problem worse.  A gastroscopy and a colonoscopy showed nothing unusual and I was recommended to have a CT scan (which I didn’t do).

I was doing a lot of my own research and I came across reports from people who had gained significant relief from similar problems with special massage techniques aimed at breaking down scar tissue. I have learned that surgical procedures can result in ‘adhesions’ where scar tissue formed at the site of the surgery and even at some distance from the site can adhere to internal organs and cause many health related issues that are very difficult to resolve. Research shows that adhesions after any abdominal surgery are found in more than 95% of patients. Problems can emerge many years after a surgical procedure/

This should be a major ‘red flag’ that should be discussed with all patients undergoing surgery in the abdominal area. How many women who have had C-Sections which have resulted in painful adhesions?  Prevention should always be a priority because with regular appropriate post-surgery treatment, problems could be in many cases avoided.

There are nerves that run in the abdominal wall, including the anterior subcostal nerve, Iliohypogastric nerve and Ilioinguinal nerve. It’s a possibility that these nerves could become ‘trapped’ in post-surgical scar tissue.

In my case there was a significant loss of blood flow across my abdomen. The area was always very cold to touch and this in itself was an indication that all was not well.

When I read that Angela Graham at Body Zone Massage had completed a ‘Marjorie Brooks’ (American scar tissue release specialist who pioneered the STRAIT method) course in scar tissue release, I was very keen to try.

I was not sure what to expect or to what extent I might be able to achieve any relief from the ongoing pain. Along the line of my scar from the 2019 surgery, below my belly button a large and easily palpable lump was evident.

Angela uses an ‘ectro-acupuncture’ treatment to assist with the breaking down of the scar. This is painless and it seems to be very effective.

I was very pleasantly surprised that even after my first treatment, I had some relief from the pain and after each subsequent treatment, I improved to the point where I would no longer be woken at night with burning pain in my abdomen. The large ‘lump’ on the scar has not only reduced in size but it is very much softer overall and I am confident now that it will be possible to resolve it completely over time.

Angela is a very competent practitioner who has a keen interest in doing the very best she can for her patients. This special massage therapy requires a level of commitment that goes way beyond the norm and this is what sets Angela apart. I am absolutely thrilled to have met Angela and I am very grateful for the way she has persevered in order to achieve the best possible outcome.

I imagine that there are a lot of folks out there who are suffering from post-surgical adhesions and believe that there is little that can be done.

Angela Graham at BodyZone Massage should be the first port of call.

John Appleton – Takapuna

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